Boldogkőváralja - Regéc - The itinerary of the National Blue Tour in the Zemplén
The Hungarian National Blue Tour is a tourist road that goes through in the North region of Hungary from Írott-kő to Hollóháza. Its lengthis more than 1100 km. This is Hungary's and Europa's firt long-distance tourist road. Passing through the road beyond the regular sport we can get a better view of the life and developement of out homeland. We can get familiar with its everydays, history, geography, hydrography, fauna, and natural beauties.
Boldogkőváralja - műút - Arka - Arka-patak-völgye - Fónyi-oldal - Hosszú-rét - Erdészház - Bónyi-kút - Mogyoróska - Várhegy (Regéci-vár) - Regéc