photo: Bihari Zoltán
The Furmint is the wine region’s primary vine variety. It’s origin is unknown. There aren’t any scientific proof available with regard to the origin. The grapevine is vital, having a vigorous growth, requires relaitvely few vine-work, and resisting well the droughty weather conditions. It’s widespread clones are the T-92, T-85, P-26. In case of overripe, it’s remarkably rich in aromatic substances. It became the main variety of the wine region, because of it’s good ability for noble rotting, and it’s good acid-preserving abilities. It has a characteristic wine with good storage properties. Not even in international relation can we really find an example for the fortunate encounter of wine region and grape variety.
The other decisive variety of the wine region. It has got it’s name from it’s shape, that resembling of the leaf of the linden tree. The grapevine has a vigorous growth, but produce fewer shoots than the Furmint. As a result it’s vine-work requires less manual effort. It has big clusters, and it’s shoulders are often branching off. The grapes are smaller then the Furmint grapes. Less prone to rotting, therefore it has a fewer aszú-production. Susceptible to drought and powdery mildew. It’s widespread clones are the P 41, T 311, T 1007. It’s wine is characteristic, has a linden honey, sometimes elderflower odor. Has adequate acids, although fewer than Furmint’s, so in the weaker vintage years it helps out his companions. Because of their dissimilar water requirements, the Furmint is planted in the top of the mountainside, and the Hárslevelű is planted in the bottom of the mountainside.
Sárga muskotály, earlier Muscat lunel
Intermediate variety, the fruit is medium sized, although in certain vintages it can produce a high yield. Its more demanding in regard to soil and environment, than the two main variety thats why it doesn’t became more widespread. It is susceptible to the winter frots, downy mildew, and especially to powdery mildew. Because of it’s dense grapes, it is prone to rotting, which is disadvantegeous for a fragrant variety. In exceptional vintages we can harvest aszú from it. Its wine has a muscat-like pleasant odour, but it must be harvested at 17-18 must weight in order to show its best side. Its late harvest involve a considerable risk. Its acidity content is higher and its odour is incomparable with the Ottonel muscat variety.
Kabar /Tarcal 10/
A hybrid, resulting from the crossing of Bouvier and Hárslevelű. Its grapevine produce few shoots, in this regard it’s similar to Hárslevelű. The leave are fiercely green. The grapes ripen the same time as Zéta, but produce less fruit. It has a good sugar collecting abilities, has a good ability to produce aszú, but because of its thicker grape skin, the riped aszú-grapes are less sensitive to the weather.
It was developed by Király Ferenc and his companions in 1951by the crossing of Bouvier and Furmint. It was certified and registered in 1990 to the varieties authorised to installation. Its name wasn’t always Zéta.
Source: Tokaji Borvidék Hegyközségi Tanácsa