5 puttonyos Guesthouse
Our new guest-house has five rooms, kitchen-dining room with large sitting-room, bath-room, two toilets. It has high standard of interior designe, the kitchen is well-equipped (built in fridge, electric oven, microwave oven, etc.) The rooms are furnithed... | Read more |
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Aszú gets its own glass on the Eve of International Aszú Day
2024-02-12 15:29:17

A new glass, designed and tested to show Tokaji Aszú at its best, has been ceremonially unveiled today in Andrássy Kúria Hotel’s conference room in Tarcal. The approximately ninety invitees to ...
ElolvasomBust of Paracelsus uneiled in Tokaj Memorial Park
2016-09-18 19:58:59

Paracelsus (born Philip von Hohenheim) was an early-16th-century physician, chemist and pharmacist who, inspired by the legend of golden vine canes growing in Tokaj, travelled to Hungary in 1524 ...
ElolvasomFurmint glass officially shown to public
2015-09-23 06:36:57

Riedel\'s Furmint glass has been unveiled at Gusteau Restaurant in the course of a dinner with wines, prepared by the chefs of Hungary\'s four Michelin-starred restaurants, during the Tokaji Ősz ...
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